Zigolo Mg12 Standard Plans
In March 2020 we started the promotion of Zigolo mg12 in order to find out how much interest our followers would have in building it from plans or kits. Actualy Zigolo Mg12 like complete kit is out of production, we will manage only the plans and the more complex component to convert it in very inexpensive and basic kits.
We are in process to modify the Zigolo mg12 to simplify for self construction, we will provide all plates to assemble it and the most complicated parts, you will be able to buy from specialized aircraft parts the all components include tube and accessories needed to make it by yourself.
Actually is on sale the Assembly manual of Zigolo mg12, with all information you need to understand how it is made.
Actually we collected a small advance, refundable amount of 100€ to confirm your interest in this very basic kit.
Also you will help us understand the quantity of plans and kit necessary, Our aim was to offer a competitive price.
Prices of Basic kit Zigolo mg12 2021 Pricelist
Order info Form Zigolo mg12
*Paypal Payment have tax about 5% on total amount, we include and pay it, the fee from paypal are not included in refundable amount.
The tax are included in the our published price.