In this sort of machine you are not separate from the sky, but part of it

Pronounce it like “jigolo” but with a Z. The word’s Italian and translates to English as “bunting”, like the little bird. We’ve been watching the Zigolo as it evolved from San Diegan Mike Sandlin’s open source Goat glider plans into a “motorfloater” in the hands of Italy’s Aviad (designer Francesco Di Martino). Prototyped and flown in early 2013, the MG12 (for MotorGlider 12) Zigolo has already sold 14 kits worldwide, and the first of those kits to be completed and flown took flight in Qatar (where Maurizio Persinotto built his inside his hotel apartment) and Florida (built by Chip Erwin at South Lakeland Airport (known to you auld guys as Circle X). It seems an emerging tradition that the first MG12s are truly home builts, often being built in and around the pilot’s home. In Japan, builder Kenichiro Kumagai also followed this path. Zigolo’s U.S. importer is well known in the ultralight and light sport aircraft industries. Chip Erwin first appeared in this magazine in the early 80s and his Midwest Microlites was the builder of the Tomcat ultralight. More recently, Erwin was involved with the design and manufacture of the Sportcruiser LSA, through his Czech Aircraft Works. That plane was briefly sold by Piper as the Piper Sport and many are still in service as trainers and sport LSA. Erwin is now building a sequel to the Sportcruiser known as SC3D in Zhuhai, China. His company Aeromarine LLC is based at South Lakeland Airport and offers the Mermaid amphibian, in addition to the MG + and upcoming SC3D. Find more info at
aeromarine-lsa.com. On a promising-to-be-flyable Sunday in early February we traveled to South Lakeland Airport to meet with Chip and get a firsthand tour and touch session and to hear about his experiences building and flying the Aviad MG12 kit.
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