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Kit Zigolo assembly mg12 step by step

If you can assemble an Ikea bookshelf, you are ready to assemble the Zigolo kit! It sounds like a joke, but it not far from the truth. To show you my view, I immersed myself in the assembly of this nice aircraft. Take a spanner and a drill. COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION Since the publication of an article about the Zigolo on “Vol Moteur” n°325, we have received an avalanche of requests for information. A real infatuation for a single-seater ULM which costs less than 10000 euro. With such a machine, there was no need to have a big advertising campaign . Its builder was followed closely and the success came early. Even a Facebook page has been dedicated to the Zigolo, and more than 2000 persons are following the adventures of the tiny machine. (facebook/aviad). At the time of writing, the kit n°14 was under construction. The Zigolo is sold everywhere in the world and a few machines are already flying in Italy, Japan, USA, Quatar… only France was missing. But from now on the bug is fixed, because the distribution is ensured by Pierangelo Mezzapesa of ULM Technologie. Pierangelo sensed the trend and started a collaboration during the last AERO in Germany.

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